SOP for Determining the Commencement Date for Stability Testing

Setting the ‘Start Date’ for a Stability Study


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to define the process for setting the ‘start date’ for a stability study to ensure consistency and compliance with regulatory requirements.


This SOP applies to all stability studies conducted on drug substances and drug products within the pharmaceutical company’s facilities.


  • Stability Manager: Approve the ‘start date’ and ensure it aligns with the study protocol and regulatory requirements.
  • Stability Technicians: Document the ‘start date’ and ensure all preparatory activities are completed before this date.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Team: Verify that the ‘start date’ is documented correctly and all pre-study requirements are met.


  1. Review Stability Protocol:
    • Ensure the stability protocol is finalized and approved by the Stability Manager and QA Team.
    • Confirm the protocol includes clear guidelines for setting the ‘start date’.
  2. Sample Preparation and Collection:
    • Collect samples from the designated batch(es) according to the protocol.
    • Ensure samples are labeled and documented as per the stability protocol.
  3. Completion of Preparatory Activities:
    • Verify that all stability chambers and equipment are calibrated and ready for use.
    • Ensure that all initial testing (e.g., T0 analysis) is completed and documented.
  4. Setting the ‘Start Date’:
    • The ‘start date’ should be the date when the samples are placed into the designated stability chambers under specified conditions.
    • Document the ‘start date’ in the stability protocol and all relevant logs.
    • Notify relevant stakeholders (e.g., Stability Manager, QA Team) of the ‘start date’.
  5. Documentation:
    • Record the ‘start date’ in the stability protocol, sample logs, and any other relevant documents.
    • Ensure all documentation is reviewed and approved by the Stability Manager and QA Team.
See also  What measures should be taken to prevent cross-contamination during stability studies?

Abbreviations Used

  • QA: Quality Assurance
  • SOP: Standard Operating Procedure


  • Stability Protocol
  • Sample Collection and Labeling Records
  • Stability Chamber Calibration Records
  • Initial Testing (T0) Results


  • ICH Q1A(R2) Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products
  • FDA Guidance for Industry: Stability Testing of Drug Substances and Drug Products

SOP Version

Version 1.0 – Effective Date: [Insert Date]